Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Money Books I

If you haven’t taken a look at Dave Ramsey’s book “The Total Money Makeover” then you need to. Even if you have your financial life in order it is still a good read. Throughout the book there are stories from real people that are “getting it done”. Some of these people have pulled themselves out from under a truckload of debt. If these stories can’t get you pumped up about fixing your own money life then you may already be too far gone. The ideas are neither totally new nor particularly hard to understand. Some may say just common sense advice.

Another good guidebook I have read lately is “The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach. Another straight forward easy to read and understand money book. The main idea that I got out of reading both books is spend less than you make. After that there are ideas and advice on what to do next and how better to utilize money but is still comes back to the spending.

Why do you think so many people screw up their money when there are good money books aplenty? Is it a lack of intelligence? Or is it a problem of focus, discipline, desire to get it all under control? Perhaps a better question is do they know their money life is screwed up? When exactly does a drowning man know for sure he is drowning? Let your thoughts be known, anonymous or by name. I would also like to hear if you have read these books or know of others that are worth sitting down and reading.

That’s it for today. Keep an eye on your EveryDay Money

1 comment:

DEBTective said...

Just wanted to say thanks for spreading the word about Dave Ramsey and debt freedom. Dave's plan makes tons of sense, doesn't it? Here's looking at you, kid ... great job! www.debtective.com