Monday, April 30, 2012

Trading video I found with Jack Schwager

Over the weekend I stumbled across this video on YouTube of Jack Schwager.  If the name rings a bell somewhere then you have more than likely read one of his books.  I picked up one of his, “The New Market Wizards” some time back and have read it off and on ever since.  In it he interviews some of the top traders that he could find at the time and told their story.  The video is good, I like it.  It covers ideas and skills that can help make you a better trader.  He uses examples from the traders he has interviewed to highlight the points.  The main thing that I took away from the video is simply, to be really good you have to trade your way.  Your trading style must fit you and your personality.  It has taken me some time and some money but I am finally starting to find my way.  Take a look and let me know what you think.
That’s it for today.  Here’s to finding your own way in trading and keeping an eye on your Everyday Money.

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