Tuesday, December 08, 2009

There is no spoon

What happens if it isn’t the greedy evil banks that are limiting credit to people? What happens if it is the people themselves? “There is no spoon” The financial world almost came to an end or so we have been told and yet now there seems to be a need to see things return to “normal”. It seems that there are plenty of people in government and on the money shows that know who is to blame and aren’t that shy at pointing them out. Yet no one it seems is putting forth the idea that the near miss with Armageddon has fundamentally changed the way people manage, spend, and save their money. “Free your mind” If people are pulling back their need for credit because they have decided that it is far more wise to unplug from the credit card matrix then the bank’s willingness to lend is taken out of the equation. It is us that are in control of ourselves now. “Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?” It seems that all the solutions being put forth are designed to do little except blur our perceptions of reality and being us back to the old normal. Our perception is clouded even more as the sentinels of the information dictate what is news and what is to be believed. Shovel ready projects, TARP, bailouts, rates kept at zero, spending as if the money was real, and still believing that the consumer not only can but wants to make up 70% of GDP. Efforts made to calm out fears and get us spending like what… like we used to? As if it was even possible to return. “The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to” And if the past two years have unplugged the average American from our unsustainable behaviors forever, what then? In time the nation and the world adapts to a new level of consumption. One that is based off of our net worth instead of the size of credit lines. The great bubbles of tech and real estate get taught as part of history. The young adults of tomorrow look back and wonder how their parents could have stayed delusional for so long. Politicians slowly get voted out until members of government reflect the spending habits of the average person. New businesses spring up, compete, and adapt to the now normal. Dave Ramsey’s business stumbles then falls because there is no one left to teach how to be responsible with their money.

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, and stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

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